Beginning March 1, 2022, ESAP (Elderly Simplified Application Project) households* will no longer be required to submit a SAR 7 Eligibility Status Report to maintain benefit eligibility for CalFresh. Therefore, SAR 7 reports due on or after March 1, 2022 do not need to be submitted for ESAP households.
The counties will continue to mail ESAP households the SAR 2 at 12 and 24 months. If gross income goes above the Income Reporting Threshold (IRT) for their household size, the household must still report this change to the county within 10 days.
You can read more about this change in the All County Letter.
*ESAP (Elderly Simplified Application Project) households are households where:
All members are age 60+ and/or have a disability, AND
There is no earned income (but there may be unearned income like SSI or social security).
ESAP households are certified for 36 months, meaning that at the end of their certification period they will need to recertify in order to keep their CalFresh.